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Products>Charisma House Bundle (17 vols.)

Charisma House Bundle (17 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $147.83
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Build up and energize your faith with resources by modern-day charismatic teachers. This collection provides insights from a rapidly growing movement within Christianity, and offers prayer resources and principles that assist the development of spiritual gifts. Learn about the Holy Spirit’s character throughout the Old Testament and read prescriptive prayers that are designed to combat spiritual warfare. With these volumes, readers can engage with inventive and passionate teachers.

For more Pentecostal works, check out the Pentecostal Manifestos Series (6 vols.).

  • Examines how prayer can be used in spiritual warfare
  • Focuses on developing spiritual gifts
  • Provides unique perspectives on common spiritual maladies
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||Partially included
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1 rating

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  1. Jeremy Hulsey
    This is not a representative of the first generation of Pentecostalism. These books are a collection of everything that went wrong with the Charismatic movement. Don't waste your money unless you're just collecting books for research purposes.
  2. Mervyn Frampton
    Michael, there is nothing wrong with Logos, as these are not heretical teachings. When will we be able to get these books individually as the package is just too expensive for me
  3. Michael Nathan
    What is wrong with logos that they would offer such obviously heretical teachings? I look at the items offered here at logos and I wonder where do they draw the line? Logos will be held accountable for all of these false teachings they endorse. Is this all about money or all about God's glory?
  4. Jesse Blevins

    Jesse Blevins


    This would be great in the Pentecostal base package.


Collection value: $147.83
Save $29.84 (20%)
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