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Products>Timeline Collection (18 resources)

Timeline Collection (18 resources)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $364.82
Save $254.83 (69%)
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With the Timeline Collection, you’ll get an array of reference and history books that link out of your Timeline, allowing you to jump from a particular point in your Timeline to a book in your library which discusses that event. Links will abound across your Timeline, keeping you connected with the larger context of church and world history, while providing you the texts you need to dig deeper into your studies. The Timeline feature presents a vast visual chronicle of world history—from creation to the 21st century. Timeline links inside your books will send you to that point in history in the Timeline, allowing you to zoom in on everything that took place during that period.

Please note: This collection expands the functionality of your existing Timeline tool in Logos. This product does not include the Timeline tool itself. To get Timeline and other unique study tools, upgrade to a Logos Base Package.

  • Contains Logos resources with extensive Timeline tagging
  • Covers periods of biblical and world history from multiple perspectives
  • Provides biographical details of significant church figures

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Total value if sold separately:$534.83

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3 ratings

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  1. Robert Todd Baribeau
    Is this collection supposed to include "The Complete Book of When and Where: In the Bible and Throughout History"? That book's cover is shown in the graphic at the top of this page. This looks like a great collection, but it seems incomplete without that volume, since there are so many timeline entries that link to it.
  2. Dave Gifford

    Dave Gifford


    an updated video would be helpful
  3. Joshua Walters
  4. robert lineberry
    This is a great collection of books to use the Timeline with. I didn’t know the Timeline tool was so good until I looked at the video that came with this package. I wanted the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) (1979–1995) (4 vols.) for $129.99 but a Logos expert showed me this collection. It was cheaper with this collection plus more resources also. Go Logos!
  5. Troy Corfield

    Troy Corfield



Collection value: $364.82
Save $254.83 (69%)
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