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Products>A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar

A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $35.99
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The stated aim of the Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar (BHRG) is to "serve as a reference work at an intermediate level for exegetes and translators of the Hebrew Bible who have a basic knowledge of Biblical Hebrew, but would like to use and broaden the knowledge that they acquired in an introductory course." This purpose is achieved with a thoroughly systematic organization that facilitates using the BHRG in conjunction with the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. The BHRG functions as a centralized resource in matters concerning the grammar and syntax of Biblical Hebrew, and will be found valuable by both beginning and advanced students of Biblical Hebrew.

Top Highlights

“By using the perfect speakers describe an action from their perspective as completed. By using the imperfect speakers represent an action as incomplete or being in the process of completion.” (Page 142)

“Languages which have the grammatical means of indicating that an action is complete or incomplete are described as having an aspect system.” (Page 142)

“Note, however, that perfect and imperfect refer here to the forms of verbs and not to their functions.” (Page 143)

“This construction usually intensifies the verbal idea. In this way BH speakers/narrators express their conviction of the verity of their statements regarding an action. When a speaker has used this construction, a listener would not be able to claim at a later date that the speakers had not expressed themself clearly enough.” (Page 158)

“It is not clear whether in BH it is time that assumes aspect, or aspect that assumes time.” (Page 144)

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16 ratings

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  1. Beth Armsheimer
  2. Logosed



    This Grammar has the following strengths: 1. It is so easy to use one can read it in bed at night. 2. No other grammar is as informed in the field of modern linguistics. The student is taught to understand, not only Hebrew, but also how language works. 3. There is an invaluable glossary of grammatical and linguistic terms at the back of the book. 4. No other grammar is able to explain as easily as this one how Hebrew words are formed. 5. The explanation of Hebrew syntax is not as complex as WALTKE, but in no sense inferior. 6. The work is littered with dozens of examples. The only caveat is the presence of errata on several pages.
  3. Rod Rogers

    Rod Rogers


    I would be interested in the 2017 version when it comes available.
  4. Hyoungil Lee

    Hyoungil Lee


  5. Robert Griffin
    Is Logos going to produce the October 2017 version of this book? This book from 1999 has 408 pages. The 2017 version has 640 pages. I would be very interested in having the 2017 version.
  6. Douglas Ray

    Douglas Ray


  7. Charles



  8. Justin Francis
  9. Rev. John M. Wise
    very easy to navigate and thorough in its content
  10. Yoseph Seo

    Yoseph Seo



Digital list price: $35.99
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