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Products>Teaching Amos: Unlocking the Prophecy of Amos for the Bible Teacher (Teaching the Bible)

Teaching Amos: Unlocking the Prophecy of Amos for the Bible Teacher (Teaching the Bible)

ISBN: 9781845501426

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Having first outlined a number of possible approaches to constructing a series of sermons or talks on Amos, Fyall unlocks the text based on a suggested structure of nine sermons or talks. Individual chapters are specifically geared towards working from text to sermon, combining rigorous exposition with relevant application, always with an eye to the main teaching point of the passage.

This volume will not only serve as a powerful teaching tool on Amos, but will also be as a timely reminder of the striking relevance of the prophet's message for today. Dr. Bob Fyall, the author of numerous books, brings his particular passion for expounding on Old Testament truths to bear on the message of Amos.

Top Highlights

“The root problem exposed is a failure to see others clearly because we are blinded by a sense of our own superiority. Secure borders and affluence (at least for some) in Amos’ day had induced this sense of security, blinding people to the lessons of history past and present.” (Page 99)

“Verse 8 shows the power of the Lord of Creation, and verse 9 the power of the Lord of History” (Page 85)

“The issue is the unworthy participation in what is God-given. This is similar to eating the bread and drinking the cup in an unworthy manner (1 Cor. 11:27).” (Page 91)

“The unifying theme in this chapter is Israel’s false security in military success and material possessions.” (Page 97)

“Whenever our devotion to a way of doing things, whether traditional or contemporary, becomes more important to us than the glory of God and the good of those gathered, then we have lost the very heart of the gospel. Ultimately, true worship embodies a profound simplicity and integrity and touches the whole of life, so that what we say and sing with our lips, we believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts, we carry out in our lives.” (Page 93)

The book of Amos is a good way to get into systematic exposition of the Old Testament prophets. It is short enough to tackle in a relatively brief space of time yet it grapples with major issues and anticipates in smaller compass the great prophets, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah. Above all, it is a book that brings us face to face with God in a life-changing encounter.

—Dr. Bob Fyall, from the author's preface

  • Title: Teaching Amos: Unlocking the Prophecy of Amos for the Bible Teacher
  • Author: Bob Fyall
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 160

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Dr. Bob Fyall is Senior Tutor in Ministry for the Cornhill Training Course, Scotland. Prior to that, he was the Director of Rutherford House, Edinburgh. He is an experienced pastor, preacher and Old Testament scholar, having formerly ministered in a parish church in Scotland, and then pastoring a larger student church in Durham, where he also taught Old Testament at Cranmer Hall, a training college for Anglican clergy. His passion is scholarship that genuinely feeds and equips the Bible expositor.

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