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Philip Schaff Collection (21 vols.)
Philip Schaff; David Schley Schaff; M. Napoleon Roussel
Philip Schaff was one of the leading historians of the nineteenth century, and one of the most public theologians and prominent intellectuals of his time. Schaff played a foundational role in the development of American Protestantism, and gained wide recognition as one of the leading experts on matters of theology, history, and biblical studies. He was a widely respected scholar and a prolific writer, and his works were influential in both Europe and America. The Philip Schaff Collection includes Schaff's 3-volume Creeds of Christendom, his 2-volume Theological Propædeutic, and voluminous works on church history, literature, and textual criticism.
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The Works of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (32 vols.)
George Granville Bradley; Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; Rowland E. Prothero
The Works of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley contains 32 works by and about this revered 1864–1881 dean of Westminster Abbey. The collection compiles his three-volume work on the history of the Jewish faith, his commentary on Paul’s Epistles to the Corinthians, dozens of sermons and lectures, his memorials of Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral, his genre-defining biography of Thomas Arnold, and much more. Also included in this amazing collection is Rowland E. Prothero’s two-volume biography of Stanley, which contains hundreds of letters to and from his friends and family, the former including Queen Victoria and John Colenso. Over 11,000 pages make up this packed collection!
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark (24 vols.)
Archibald Thomas Robertson; Benjamin Wisner Bacon; Ernest De Witt Burton; …
The Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark includes some of the most significant classic studies on the book of Mark from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With notable authors such as John A. Broadus, Allan Menzies, Ernest DeWitt Burton, A. T. Robertson, and M. F. Sadler, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark (24 vols.) offers over 5,000 pages of interpretation, observations, translations, contextual history, and practical application. The twenty-four volumes contained in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark (24 vols.) have had an enduring impact on New Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy accessibility to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Acts of the Apostles (31 vols.)
August Neander; Charles John Vaughan; Frederick Denison Maurice; …
The Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Acts of the Apostles collection (30 vols.) includes some of the most significant classic studies on the book of Acts from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With authors such as Joseph Addison Alexander, Frederick Denison Maurice, William Owen Carver, and C. J. Vaughan, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Acts (30 vols.) offers over 9000 pages of exegetical analysis, rhetorical context, contextual comparison, and interpretation. The thirty volumes contained in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Acts (30 vols.) have had an enduring impact on New Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy accessibility to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Classic Studies on the Heidelberg Catechism (16 vols.)
George Washington Bethune; Henry J. Kuiper; George W. Richards; …
The Heidelberg Catechism, one of the most famous volumes on Christian truth produced in the times of the Reformation, consists of 52 sections called Lord's Days, and comprises 129 questions and answers. It is preeminently a book of comfort, addressing itself to the heart as well as the intellect, and is still a foundational work for thousands of churches across the globe. The Classic Studies on the Heidelberg Catechism collection presents many of the defining late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century studies on the Heidelberg Catechism. Thanks to such notable authors as Henry J. Kuiper, George W. Richards, and Otto Thelemann, Classic Studies on the Heidelberg Catechism interprets, translates, and contextualizes the the history of the Catechism and the important doctrines contained therein. The collection’s 16 volumes and nearly 5,000 pages have had an enduring impact on the Catechism and its impact on the Reformed faith. This exceptional library provides easy access to a wealth o...
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The Princeton Pulpit
John T. Duffield
This anthology brings together in one volume fifteen classic sermons by some of Princeton Theological Seminary's most acclaimed faculty and theologians. The Princeton Pulpit includes the work of Charles Hodge, Archibald Alexander, J. Addison Alexander, and more. More devotional than doctrinal, each sermon is headlined with the Scripture being expounded, such as Acts 9, Titus 2:6, and 1 Timothy 3:16. Containing practical application and timeless themes, these sermons still pack a powerful punch more than one hundred years after this volume was first published.
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Horace Bushnell Collection (20 vols.)
Henry Clay Trumbull; Horace Bushnell; Mary Bushnell Cheney; …
Take a close look into the writings of the man who brought Schleiermacher's Protestant liberalism to North America. For the first time, Horace Bushnell's works appear in one 20 volume collection. In addition to the works authored by Bushnell, this collection also includes an early biography with Bushnell's collected letters as well as volumes on Bushnell’s work as a preacher and educator written by his wife, Mary Bushnell Cheney, and by contemporaries Theodore T. Munger and Henry C. Trumbull. With this comprehensive collection, you'll study firsthand the work and personal writings of this significant figure in American Protestantism who influenced the direction of twentieth century Protestant theology.
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Confessional Documents Collection (103 Resources)
Creeds, Confessions, and Declarations are all central documents for the Christian faith. Intended for distilling the essential beliefs of Christianity, for education, and spiritual practice, these historic documents of the Christian Church open up insight into the tradition and Orthodox teachings of Christianity. Imagine studying Romans 6—and then seeing if it came up at the Council of Nicea, Trent, or the Synod of Dort. Imagine seeing how the Augsburg Confession, the Arminian Confession, and the Schleitheim Confession use 1 Peter 5. And then imagine Luther’s Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Westminster Catechism, and the Orthodox Catechism all showing you their use of Genesis 2.
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2025 Reformed Platinum
The Reformed Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 1100 resources, the Reformed Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Reformed Expository Commentary Series | REC (38 vols.), Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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Logos Feature Expansion Master Collection
The study and research tools in Logos Bible Software are sometimes only as good as the library that comes with them. The larger your library, the more effective you can be in your study of the Bible. Whether you are working with the Factbook, Passage Guide or the Exegetical Guide, the resources in your library, commentaries, grammars, dictionaries, and reference works, are the fuel that drive all the best features in Logos Bible Software. With over fifteen hundred reference works, Master Feature Collection gives you everything you need to make the most of your sermon writing, bible study, exegesis, and research.
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Confessional Documents Feature Expansion, M
Incorporate some of the most formative documents from Church history into your Bible study. With the Confessional Documents Feature Expansion, M you will enhance the results you'll find in the Confessional Documents guide section in the Passage Guide. Each tradition’s confessional statements offer a wealth of wisdom on biblical passages and concepts. The Confessional Documents guide section of the Passage Guide exposes you to denominational and traditional statements on biblical passages, making it easy for you to find and rely on these respected sources in your Bible research. This collection includes everything in the Confessional Documents Feature Expansion, S as well more than thirty additional resources to help expand your studies.
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History of the Apostolic Church: With a General Introduction to Church History
Philip Schaff
Originally written in German, Schaff wrote this English translation in 1853 for a broader audience at the request of many of his colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic. This introduction to church history relates history to theology, worship, and morality. He also explores the sources of knowledge and the usefulness of church history for contemporary readers.
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The Heidelberg Catechism in German, Latin and English with an Historical Introduction
The German Reformed Church of the United States of America
This volume contains a critical standard edition of the Heidelberg Catechism in the original German, and Latin, together with a revised English translation and modern German translation. The introduction provides a succinct but full account of the origin and formation of the Catechism, its reception in the different branches of the Protestant Church, and its fortunes in Europe and America; and compares its genius and theology with that of other Reformed and Lutheran confessions, both of earlier and later date. In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
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2025 Reformed Portfolio
The Reformed Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Portfolio Library takes everything in the Reformed Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Reformed Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (47 vols.), Barth’s Church Dogmatics (31 vols.), The Works of Jonathan Edwards (41 vols.), Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC (17 vols.), and many more. The Reformed Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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The Gospel According to Mark
Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Mark expounds on the Gospel of Mark. Joseph Addison Alexander presents studies that follow the text chronologically, as well as historically. Discoursing on the extent of Christ’s ministry, the intentions of Mark’s record, the progression of prophecy, and the fulfilment of the law—Addison critically examines the text verse-by-verse.
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America: A Sketch of the Political, Social, and Religious Character of the United States
Philip Schaff
Many European thinkers wrote observations of America during the first half of the eighteenth century. There was much to be intrigued about the early republic, and numerous intellectuals weighed in. Although Tocqueville’s account has become the most famous, Schaff’s reflections are no less important for the church in America, because Schaff wrote from the unique perspective of a historian and theologian.
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The Acts of the Apostles Explained, Volume I
Joseph Addison Alexander
Known as a skilled linguist and exegete, Joseph Alexander's The Acts of the Apostles Explained, vol. 1 is an exegetical and expositional commentary on the text of Acts. Alexander proceeds through the text of Acts in a verse-by-verse manner, commenting on the language, history, and culture of the first century world. Volume one of Acts cover chapters 1-12.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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2025 Reformed Diamond
The Reformed Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Diamond Library takes everything in the Reformed Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries | WBBC: Old and New Testament (22 vols.), The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), UBS Handbooks Series: Old Testament, New Testament, and Deuterocanonical Books (66 vols.), and New Growth Press Minibook Collection (157 vols.). With over 2200 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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2025 Charismatic Portfolio
The Charasmatic Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library takes everything in the Charasmatic Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Charasmatic Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament | TDOT (17 vols.), The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (5 vols.), Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible | HERM (55 vols.), and many more. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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History of the Christian church
Philip Schaff
These scanned pages offer the ability to explore content outside our normal Logos editions.
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Classic Scholarship Collection (1,211 Resources)
The Classic Scholarship Collection includes more than twelve hundred works from the most trusted Christian authors and teachers of all time: Augustine, John Chrysostom, Aquinas, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, John Calvin, and more. With resources in original language tools, commentaries, catechisms, histories, systematic theologies, dictionaries and more, you'll have the tools for both in-depth and broad study of Scripture, systematic theology, historical theology, Biblical studies, and much more.
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Complete Classic Commentary Collection
With thousands of scholarly commentaries covering every book of the Bible, the Complete Classic Commentaries Collection is a timeless trove of more than 1,600 expositions, analyses, and illustrations. This massive bundle is comprised of classic commentaries Logos has released separately in the past. Build your library or complement the resources you already own with these classic works in Logos’ advanced digital format.
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The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets
Eleazar Lord
This timeless exploration of biblical prophecy by Eleazar Lord, delving into the belief of a divine appearance on earth that has been held by both Jews and Gentiles since ancient times. Lord examines the teachings of divine incarnations in the Eastern World, and reveals the origins of this belief in the Divine appearances recorded in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. This thought-provoking study sheds light on the doctrine of the incarnation and provides valuable insights into the history of religious beliefs.
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2025 Anglican Portfolio
The Anglican Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Portfolio Library takes everything in the Anglican Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Anglican Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (148 vols.), Reformation Commentary on Scripture Collection | RCS (20 vols.), Conversations with Scripture Series (12 vols.), and many more. The Anglican Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
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The Heidelberg Catechism, in German, Latin and English: With an Historical Introduction: Latin
The German Reformed Church of the United States of America
This volume contains a critical standard edition of the Heidelberg Catechism in the original German, and Latin, together with a revised English translation and modern German translation. The introduction provides a succinct but full account of the origin and formation of the Catechism, its reception in the different branches of the Protestant Church, and its fortunes in Europe and America; and compares its genius and theology with that of other Reformed and Lutheran confessions, both of earlier ...
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History of the Christian church
Philip Schaff
These scanned pages offer the ability to explore content outside our normal Logos editions.
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The Heidelberg Catechism, in German, Latin and English: With an Historical Introduction: English
The German Reformed Church of the United States of America
This volume contains a critical standard edition of the Heidelberg Catechism in the original German, and Latin, together with a revised English translation and modern German translation. The introduction provides a succinct but full account of the origin and formation of the Catechism, its reception in the different branches of the Protestant Church, and its fortunes in Europe and America; and compares its genius and theology with that of other Reformed and Lutheran confessions, both of earlier ...
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Confessional Documents Collection (96 resources)
Creeds, Confessions, and Declarations are all central documents for the Christian faith. Intended for distilling the essential beliefs of Christianity, for education, and spiritual practice, these historic documents of the Christian Church open up insight into the tradition and Orthodox teachings of Christianity. Imagine studying Romans 6—and then seeing if it came up at the Council of Nicea, Trent, or the Synod of Dort. Imagine seeing how the Augsburg Confession, the Arminian Confession, and the Schleitheim Confession use 1 Peter 5. And then imagine Luther’s Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Westminster Catechism, and the Orthodox Catechism all showing you their use of Genesis 2.
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Thoughts on preaching : being contributions to homiletics
Alexander James
These scanned pages offer the ability to explore content outside our normal Logos editions.
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