• It appears I no longer have the ability to Import Song/Lyrics in Media/Import. How can I get new songs in my media library?
    1. Has anyone connected Proclaim to Bitfocus Companion software and used midi to trigger Companion to send commands to other devices such at PTZ Cameras? Is that even possible?
      1. Thanks - it will be a separate program to install on your Proclaim machine, rather than part of Companion itself. (My preference here is to run Companion on a Raspberry Pi in our video rack.) Are you running Proclaim on Windows or Mac?
      2. Richard Huss - We are running Proclaim on an windows 10 PC now but will probably be moving to a new PC and Windows 11 before October. I don't have Companion installed today but was thinking of running it on the same PC. I'm hoping it will not overload the PC. Do you have any idea what PC specs are needed to support Companion on it? I've never done anything with Raspberry Pi. Just as more background, I want to send commands from Companion to a PTZ camera and to an OSEE GoStream Deck for Livestream control. I'm thinking of getting an Elgato Stream Deck as a first step toward the Proclaim integration. Once the commands I need are working from the Stream Deck it will be a smaller step to triggering them from Proclaim.
      3. Thanks. It depends which modules you're using, but Companion doesn't heavily load my home Windows machine at all - with a small set of modules it's sitting there at around 110MB of RAM and very little CPU. On a Raspberry Pi it runs more than happily on a 4GB Pi 4 with plenty to spare.
    2. When I first started using Proclaim when a song slide was Blank it would still display the color/image that I had for a background. Now it just goes away (no color/image) when I am on a Blank slide. We use the bottom third of the screen for lyrics and display the live video of the praise band/singers. Is there some setting that has changed?
      1. can you make QR codes on Proclaim for eg visitors to sign in on?
        1. What are you looking for them to be able to sign into?
      2. how do you make a QR code?
        1. Lots of websites that let you make QR codes if you have the URL
        2. Hi , you can make QR codes inside of Proclaim using the Slide Canvas service item type. Go to a new Slide Canvas, then click on QR Codes, then add from our pre-built QR code templates. Click the QR code graphic when it appears on the slide to select it and then you can adjust the QR Code Properties like the URL and colors, etc.
      3. When will the issues with Song Select be resolved?
        1. Ours is also working normally. It must be on your end.
        2. We have had to relink our account every few months over the past several years. No ongoing trouble noticed.
        3. I am still having trouble linking accounts. I contacted Proclaim and they told me it was a general issue and had no idea when it would be resolved.
      4. Good morning! Brand new user here! How can you change the length of the pre-service loop? It's currently set to 31s and I need it to be 30 minutes. Thanks for any help you can provide
        1. Any time - don't be afraid to point, click and experiment with Proclaim, and of course this is a great place to ask questions and see what others are doing.
        2. has given you a good answer about setting individual slide length but I just want to point out that a preservice loop will loop for as long as you need it to until you reach the preset service time. If you have only one slide and you want it to run for 30 minutes you don't need to change it's length. Just start the pre-service loop 30 minutes before the service start time.
        3. Also, , if you only have a small number of slides, you might want to add things like Bible Trivia (Add item>Bible Trivia -- I keep telling Proclaim that it should be renamed because there is nothing trivial about the Bible), or add slides with Scripture.
      5. i accidentally deleted the "Worship Team" group for my church (Sturgis First Presbyterian Church". I was getting a message that the worship team was missing. I looked up the message and it told me that I needed to get support to undelete it. However, i must have reassociated the first song in this weeks presentation to worship team and it's now visible again under my faithlife page. can someone confirm this is all that needs done, or do i still need support to restore so that I can get our song arrangements back. ps i sent an email to support but not sure if they can answer me before Sunday
        1. Is there a free way to customize a video countdown? Adding music and a different background?
          1. I had forgotten about that, -- my only excuse is that my wife and I have been watching our 3 y.o. granddaughter for days -- A reminder that God, in His infinite wisdom, doesn't give children to people who are in their 60s :-) Try this, , add a content slide and check the box for "Show a Countdown Clock." In my first screenshot you can see the clock in the corner on the bottom right. You can adjust the size and position. Add a song to the content item by clicking the speaker icon and then check the box that says "Show each slide for" and then set the time to be equal to the length of the song. If you place the Content item as the last item Warm-Up section it will automatically start that many minutes and seconds before you start time.
          2. Thank you both for your help. I attempted to do what you suggested... went into both the preservice loop and the warm-up; Added Content; Added the countdown clock but do not have the option to click on a speaker icon...please help!
          3.  — Edited

            When you "Mouseover" the content slide you should see a speaker icon, . Click it and you will have the option to add music