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Products>Stuart's and Fee's Exegetical Handbooks (2 vols.)

Stuart's and Fee's Exegetical Handbooks (2 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $31.98
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Standard texts for personal Bible study as well as advanced exegesis, Stuart's and Fee's exegetical handbooks have provided sound interpretive guidance for more than a quarter century. Recently updated, and designed to serve both English-only interpreters as well as those who use Hebrew and Greek, these handbooks provide a detailed step-by-step guide to every facet of exegesis in a succinct accessible way.

  • Provides step-by-step instruction for Old Testament and New testament exegesis
  • Caters to both English-only exegesis and exegesis in the original languages
  • Helps biblical interpreters navigate the role of secondary literature, faithful application, and preaching
  • Title: Stuart's and Fee's Exegetical Handbooks
  • Authors: Douglas Stuart, Gordon D. Fee
  • Publisher: WJK
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 411
  • Resource Type: Handbooks
  • Topic: Biblical Interpretation

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Total value if sold separately:$15,766.12

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8 ratings

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  1. nana



  2. Daniel Chan

    Daniel Chan


    Douglas Stuart's Old Testament Exegesis has an new 2022 edition
  3. David Anfinrud
  4. Jonathan Ochieng Göhner
  5. Eugene Oleson

    Eugene Oleson


  6. Chan Yew Ming



  8. Jacob Hantla

    Jacob Hantla


    I own these books in Logos from publication from many years back before they got pulled by the publisher. I have used the New Testament Exegesis one regularly. Very good and very helpful when I was initially learning to study the Bible
  9. greypilgrim



    I had Dr Fee in seminary for this course and have used the hard bound version of this book upon which the course was based.
  10. Thomas Ward

    Thomas Ward


    Awesome! Two two great books with an outstanding discount! Thanks


Collection value: $31.98
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