Digital Logos Edition
The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts provides outlines, expositions, and homiletic illustrations of each verse of the Bible, presented in biblical order. Much more thorough and complete than The Expositor’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, this reference work selects the best of ancient, classical, medieval, and modern quotations on each verse of the Bible, giving full citations at the end of each quotation.
For more from James Moffatt, see James Moffatt New Testament Studies Collection (18 vols.).
James Moffatt (1870–1944) was educated at Glasgow University and went on to become a professor of Greek and New Testament Exegesis at Oxford in 1911. A short while later, Moffatt accepted the position of professor of church history at the United Free Church College. Moffatt’s utmost ambition was to provide an easily readable Bible. His contributions included paraphrased translations for coherent understanding. Moffatt is the author of International Critical Commentary (ICC) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
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Forrest Cole
Llewellyn Williams
Mark Warda
Phillip Scott
David Anfinrud
wilfred joseph
David Furman
Phil Cullum
David McClister