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Products>The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts (2 vols.)

The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts (2 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $45.00
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The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts provides outlines, expositions, and homiletic illustrations of each verse of the Bible, presented in biblical order. Much more thorough and complete than The Expositor’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, this reference work selects the best of ancient, classical, medieval, and modern quotations on each verse of the Bible, giving full citations at the end of each quotation.

  • Covers the entire Bible verse-by-verse
  • Feature illustrations and quotations from a wide range of time periods
  • Title: The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts
  • Author: James Moffatt
  • Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 2,116
  • Christian Group: Reformed
  • Resource Type: Commentaries
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$559.65

James Moffatt (1870–1944) was educated at Glasgow University and went on to become a professor of Greek and New Testament Exegesis at Oxford in 1911. A short while later, Moffatt accepted the position of professor of church history at the United Free Church College. Moffatt’s utmost ambition was to provide an easily readable Bible. His contributions included paraphrased translations for coherent understanding. Moffatt is the author of International Critical Commentary (ICC) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.


3 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Llewellyn Williams
  3. Molly M Farlow
    Unable to bid. 2/26
  4. Mark Warda

    Mark Warda


    Keeps saying product does not exist Faithlife should honor the minimum price (currently $12) if not fixed by the deadline 2/26
  5. Phillip Scott

    Phillip Scott


    I cannot change my bid. The "Change bid" box is "Gray" and won't accept activity.
  6. David Anfinrud
    Tried to make a bid today. Says product does not exist. error from three months ago still exists.
  7. wilfred joseph
    even after I have bid for this resourse, it is disappearing and once again asking for rebidding. Kindly help.
  8. David Furman

    David Furman


    when trying to place a bid, system just keeps saying item does not exist and does not record a bid
  9. Phil Cullum

    Phil Cullum


    Has a decision been made to publish or not publish, or is the decision still in the future?
  10. David McClister
    Does anyone know if this is the same work as The Expositor's Dictionary of Texts by Nicoll, Stoddart, and Moffat? Thanks.


Collection value: $45.00
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