Digital Logos Edition
The Messianic Jewish Publishers Collection offers an extensive assortment of resources for anyone interested in this extraordinary movement.
These 22 volumes canvas a wide spectrum of issues related to the Messianic Jewish movement—everything from the practical aspects of the Messianic Jew’s daily walk, to historical analysis, to more general theological concerns. Specifically, the works tackle such diverse subjects as navigating intermarriages between Messianic Jews and non-Jewish Christians; the importance of blessing God; the misrepresentation of the relationship between Jesus and the Jewish people of his era; dance worship; the Jewishness of the Gospel; the Sabbath; and so much more. Each volume features an utterly readable engagement with the issues, perfect for both the causal reader and the expert wanting to reintroduce themselves to the issues.
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In 1941, The United States is drawn into World War II. During that same year, Dr. Henry Einspruch publishes his classic book, The Yiddish New Testament, a breakthrough in evangelistic literature for Jewish people. Over the following decades, the publications of Lederer/Messianic Jewish Communications have been widely used to impact thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Messiah. These books and tracts have been distributed in the Orthodox Jewish community, have been given out to Jews in the former Soviet Union, and have been used by Messianic congregations and Jewish outreaches all over the world. Messianic Jewish Publishers mission is two-pronged: Reaching out to Jewish people with the message of Messiah and teaching the non-Jewish spiritual family about their Jewish roots.
7 ratings
Dave Crosby
David Leslie Bond
W. D. Hindenlang
Michael Kieffer
Sean Emslie
Pastor Brandon Gatzke