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Products>A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness

A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness

ISBN: 9781579100940

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One of eminent biblical scholar Frederick Dale Bruner’s masterworks, A Theology of the Holy Spirit offers helpful insights into the Pentecostal movement and experience of the Spirit, as well as New Testament teaching on the Holy Spirit.

Bruner’s study grows out of the questions he grappled with during his graduate work on the Pentecostalism and Holy Spirit: “Is the Pentecostal teaching on the experience of the Spirit in conformity with the New Testament teaching? Is Acts represented by Pentecostalism today? Should Christians seek a second, what is sometimes called a Pentecostal, experience subsequent to their Christian initiation?” His text offers a thorough exposition of New Testament texts relating to the Holy Spirit, and critical examination of the Pentecostal movement and experience of the Spirit, particularly the Scriptural basis claimed for the theology of the second blessing. Both thorough and clear, this book combines scholarly research with constructive commentary on the life and mission of the contemporary church.

With Logos Bible Software, this volume is enhanced with cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translation. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful topical searches help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Looking for more work from Frederick Dale Bruner? Check out his The Gospel of John: A Commentary.

  • Presents a classic study from eminent scholar Frederick Dale Bruner
  • Examines the Pentecostal movement and experience of the Holy Spirit
  • Exposits key New Testament texts relating to the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Experience
    • The Contemporary Place and Significance of the Pentecostal Movement
    • The Background and the Beginnings of the Pentecostal Movement
    • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal Movement
    • The Gifts of the Spirit in the Pentecostal Movement
  • The Holy Spirit in New Testament Witness
    • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles: A Comparative Study
    • The Way of the Holy Spirit according to the New

Top Highlights

“Theologically, the adherents of the Pentecostal movement unite around an emphasis upon the experience of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer and in the fellowship of the church. The Pentecostal does not normally care to distinguish himself from evangelical believers in the fundamentals of the Christian faith—he is, by choice, ‘fundamental’ in doctrine.2 But the Pentecostal finds his distinct raison d’être in what for him is crucial: his faith in the supernatural, extraordinary, and visible work of the Holy Spirit in the post-conversion experience of the believer today as, he would insist, in the days of the apostles.” (Page 20)

“Grammatically, the voice of the promised baptism is important: it is passive (baptisthësesthe). The passive means that the baptism of the Spirit shall not be the result of the recipients’ activity; the subject of the spiritual baptism is not to be the recipient and his effort but the promiser and his will.” (Page 158)

“Is the Pentecostal teaching on the experience of the Spirit in conformity with the New Testament teaching? Is Acts represented by Pentecostalism today? Should Christians seek a second, what is sometimes called a Pentecostal, experience subsequent to their Christian initiation? I found that this complex of questions was gradually forming me into what is called, in the division of theological studies, a student of systematic theology.” (Page 7)

“To say ‘baptized’ in the Spirit is, in Pentecostal opinion, to say what Scripture says in many different ways: to be filled with (Acts 2:4), to receive (Acts 2:38), to be sealed by (Eph. 1:13), or to be anointed with (2 Cor. 1:21 AV) the Spirit.” (Page 59)

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Frederick Dale Bruner serves on the adjunct faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary, and is George and Lyda Wasson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Whitworth University, where he taught from 1975 to 1997. His other books include The Gospel of John: A Commentary and Matthew: A Commentary, Volume 1 and Volume 2.

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  1. Rev. Bill Woods
  2. Paul Allen

    Paul Allen


    This book was written in 1997. The sample pages contain 1960's quotes. There has been much change in Pentecost between 1997-2016.
  3. Waynne Noel

    Waynne Noel


    Thank you for your review of this book Robert. Your short post got me to the core of what I was seeking before I added this book to my collection. Although I utilize Logos for the collection of commentaries and word studies and so forth, I remain disappointed on the heavy denominational influence of this tool. The Lord is moving mightily in these last days through many educated and well respected men and women of God. I'm sadden that the many contributing Godly writers and authors for the Logos product still base the majority of their material and reference books on the mainline teachings of their denomination.
  4. Robert Carter

    Robert Carter


    I read the sample pages with interest and commend the author for his efforts. I will not add it to my collection however. The reason is that the comments, although good, follow similar lines of many other commentaries about "pentecostalism". They usually emanate from those who have never "had the experience" and are thus missing the core to the matter. I grew up in an Anglican environment, not a Pentecostal environment, but discovered what the Pentecostals experience without any external input from others. I was hungry and researched the scriptures for myself and now, as a non-denominational preacher have proved at first hand that this is a very real and scripturally sound Christian experience. Frederick Bruner's per the sample pages is good, but as I said, I will not buy a copy. The reason? I ask him and others like him to cut past the intellectual and denominational approach and pray for truth.
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