Digital Logos Edition
This classic commentary on Galatians enables you to study under the great reformer who not only reveals great scholarship but also an intense personal identification with these profound Pauline truths. Martin Luther avoids unnecessary technicalities, yet he brings to light the depths of Paul's meaning like no other commentator. This is an outstanding, doctrinally-sound, comprehensive commentary. The verse-by-verse exposition offers penetrating insights into Luther's theology. It is also a careful analysis and clear presentation of Paul's doctrine, written for all to understand.
“For the one doctrine which I have supremely at heart, is that of faith in Christ, from whom, through whom and unto whom all my theological thinking flows back and forth day and night.” (Page 16)
“Calling, therefore, is not to be despised; for it is not enough for a man to have the Word and pure doctrine, but also he must be assured of his calling; and he that entereth without this assurance, entereth to no other end but to kill and destroy. For God never prospereth the labour of those that are not called. And although they teach some good and profitable matters, yet they edify not.” (Page 35)
“For the Papists and Anabaptists are to-day agreed on this one point against the Church of God (even if their words disguise it), namely, that the work of God depends on the worthiness of the person. According to the Anabaptists, baptism is nothing unless the person is a believer. From this principle (as it is called) it must follow that all the works of God are nothing if man is not good. If baptism, which is a work of God, ceases to be a workof God when man is evil, it follows that the married state, 1 the office of a magistrate, 2 and the station of a servant, 3 which are works of God, are no longer works of God because men are evil.” (Pages 18–19)
“Moreover, by the preaching of this doctrine, the devil is overthrown, his kingdom is destroyed, the law, sin and death (wherewith, as most mighty and invincible tyrants, he hath brought all mankind in subjection under his dominion) are wrested out of his hands: briefly, his prisoners are translated out of the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of light and liberty.” (Page 29)
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David Karow
Jeffery B. Taylor
Pr. Marcelo Germano Oliveira
Earl Korhonen
Kevin Bratcher
Abner F. Hernandez