Digital Logos Edition
Examining archaeological, textual, and extra-biblical evidence, Gary R. Habermas provides a strong foundation for the existence and deity of Jesus. He begins by surveying the past centuries of historical Jesus studies, highlighting key figures and offering an informed critique of their arguments. Habermas concludes with a convincing survey of the historical data available to the modern reader. His detailed engagement with early creedal statements, archaeological data, and other witnesses is both reasoned and convincing.
“Even more persuasively, there is no known case of a mythical deity in the mystery religions where we have both clear and early evidence that a resurrection was taught prior to the late second century AD, obviously much later than the Christian message.” (Page 34)
“The emphasis in the majority of these studies was on Jesus as a great example for living, with the implication that we should pattern our lives after his. But at least two key elements in the Gospels were usually either denied or ignored. Supernatural aspects such as Jesus’ miracles were treated as nonhistorical. Further, dogmatic theology was eschewed, especially the doctrine of Jesus’ deity. It was assumed that, while Jesus was an outstanding moral pattern, he was only a man.” (Page 18)
“Namely, by pursuing this line of pre- and extrabiblical evidence, we run the risk of implying that Scripture is not a sufficient source of knowledge about Jesus or that we must have additional information about his life.” (Page 11)
“He held that the Gospels were chiefly mythological documents that utilized normal description in order to depict transcendental ideas in seemingly historical garb.” (Page 19)
“These creeds, then, actually predate the New Testament writings in which they occur.” (Page 30)
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Gary R. Habermas (PhD, Michigan State University) is distinguished research professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 25 books.
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Andy Anderson
Doug Taylor, PhD
Doug Olson
Jeff Francis Keller
Matthew Lawrence
Kenneth Tulk
Daniel Presley
Michael Stubblefield