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Logos is the world's leading tool for digital Bible study, and a product of Faithlife.
Follow- Try this in our new Smart Bible Search: https://ref.ly/logos4/Search?kind=BibleSearch&q=The+work+of+the+Holy+Spirit+in+sanctification&syntax=v2&documentlevel=verse&exactref=true&match=stem&in=raw%3aTop%7cDataType%3dbible%7cResourceType%3dtext.monograph.bible%7cResultLimit%3d1%7cTitle%3dTop%2520Bible%2520(NIV)&viewkind=passages&engine=Semantic
- Gods blessing, what books could you recommend for a study of Artificial Intelligence for youth. Thank you
Ric Robinson — Edited
I have not read this book myself, so you would want to check it out for yourself. But there is a book "AI for Smart Pre-Teens and Teens Ages 10-19: Using Artificial Intelligence to Learn, Think, and Create" by Dr. Leo Lexicon. This book claims to cover a wide range of topics, including the different uses of AI, both beneficial and harmful, and discusses the importance of ethics in AI development. It's designed to be accessible and engaging for teenagers, making it a resource for learning about AI and AI's implications. Again, buyer beware, I have not read this myself. All I know about it is from the book jacket.
- Can we get a H.E.A.R Journal feature? Tap on a verse or verses and select H.E.A.R Journal and it copy and pastes the selected verse(s) in titled HIGHLIGHT and then under that it has a section titled EXPLAIN where we can explain what the means and then under that have a section titled APPLY where we can type up how we can apply that verse or the verses to our life's and then the last section is titled RESPOND where we can respond to God with a prayer about the verse or for example thanking God for something He revealed to us in the reading we didn't understand before, etc. The app saves the H.E.A.R Journal locally in the app / to our Logos account with a title name we give it and the date we made it. Then we can open the H.E.A.R Journal section in the app or on desktop and by the verse(s), or date, or title, we can search for our journals or scroll through the list to find that one we want if we want to for example to pull it up to share it with others. I believe this would be a powerful God honoring feature that would greatly improve the Logos ability to help Christians grow in their faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! -Thank you. To God be the glory.
- This would be better posted on their feedback page, where you can offer such suggestions: https://community.logos.com/categories/all-feedback
- Hi, I am trying to format and copy the interlinear text when turned on from an English Bible. I first select the text and then click on "copy" at the top. Not "copy verse" It seems to work for this when I paste into word, but I need to understand how to format the pasted text and possibly setup the format before the selecting copy. I am basically asking where I can find information about this feature as there is very little info on this. I was hoping this would be available in the "Copy Bible Verse tool" but I cannot figure out how to make it work to include the interlinear text. Please Help or point me to a reference to look at for this. Thank you.
bret.schmerker — Edited
That's what I am trying to do for 胡桃河市日系基督教會 Japanese Christian Church of Walnut Creek (CA, USA): But the SHARP® center projector is kaputt. Center in original Hebrew or Greek; sides as translated (英部 English Department uses the English Standard Version; I'm awaiting digitization of 日本聖書協会 ɴɪʜᴏɴꜱᴇɪꜱʏoᴋʏōᴋᴀɪ, 聖書協会共同訳聖書 ꜱᴇɪꜱʏoᴋʏōᴋᴀɪᴋʏōᴅōʏᴀᴋᴜꜱᴇɪꜱʏo (日本国東京都 ᴛōᴋʏōᴛᴏ, JPN: 日本聖書協会 ɴɪʜᴏɴꜱᴇɪꜱʏoᴋʏōᴋᴀɪ, 2018), for 日本部 Japanese Department). I'm requesting that the Board dismount the center projector but keep the base intact for a centerline reference.Patricia — Edited
Open the Tools menu Type the word copy Click on the Copy Bible Verses tool A reference box opens -see screen shot From here you have options on how you want the text formatted when you paste it Select options by clicking on the blue items to open a dropdown box of items and select one. In the quotation style drop down box there is an item in blue letters called "Create a new Style" Click on "Create a New Style" to customize your formatting. Or Before customizing your formatting it may be helpful to start with a preset format that is closest to what you are trying to do. Click on the preset format to change your text in the reference box. From there you can customize the formatting by clicking on the 3 dots next to your scripture search box - see screen shot Then select Edit Quotation Style, per my screen shot (your option will match the pre selected style that you are using) You will have to understand and type in code to edit the selected style - see screen shot The "Copy and Paste" button will automatically paste your selection to your selected target document.
- That's fantastic Graham Criddle, thank you! Has that always been so? I've never seen that come up before.
- Glad it was helpful Rev. Kevin Obermeyer - and it's been there a long time!
- The answer is version history. Sorry can't do screen capture at the moment. But open sermon, click the "i" icon and then the clock/version history icon.
- I hope someone can help me with a couple questions. I purchased my Logos subscription last month, 2 years at the tier I felt best for me. I have not yet purchased a library because I'm still undecided, also I'm waiting to see what the new denominational libraries will look like. So, here are my questions: is there an expiration time frame on the 30% discount for a library, and when will new denominational libraries be announced. I have not been able to find answers. This time of year I have many expenses to deal with, and I would be able to purchase a better (more expensive) library after the first of the year. Can anyone help me with answers? Thanks!
- I would suggest asking this question in our new community space, Randy Clark. Here's a direct link to the Logos forum for English users: https://community.logos.com/categories/discuss-logos
- I’d personally call the Logos Customer Service
- Not sure where to put this but I wanted to give feedback about the AI usage credit icon (that I call the AI-O-Meter) in v38. My test account currently has no features that use AI. I don't have the translation tool, no summarization or smart search, no synopsis, no Sermon/Homily Builder or Bible Study Builder, etc. So the icon is just sitting there on my toolbar serving no purpose except to tell me that I've used 0% of my AI credits. So my feedback is, does it make sense to have that icon showing for everyone without the ability to remove or hide it regardless of whether they have AI features or not? I would say no. This icon should be hidable. Adam Borries (Logos)
- Thanks. I was able to confirm that that test account does have an AI feature. It has a temporary license for Factbook Result Summarization, by virtue of being a member of the public beta group. https://faithlife.com/logos-early-access-beta-features
- Okay Adam, thanks.
Kiyah — Edited
One more thing Adam Borries (Logos), my test account has Verbum Fundamentals 7 and 8, which should have the Passage Analysis tool. I know I had this feature before, but now it's grayed out like I don't own it. I should own this tool through Fundamentals. Can you check and see what's wrong here?
- Many have asked how to open up their Kindle app from within Logos because some of their books are not available in Logos but they own them on Kindle. I set this up and it works well. Then I realized that I can use the same Logos URL function to connect to Project Gutenberg (https://www.gutenberg.org/) which would provide "free" web reading access to over 70,000 books. Of course, Gutenberg is not exclusively Christian or Bible resources, but there are thousands of commentaries and writings of Christians that are easily searched and accessed by connecting the URL to Logos the Logos toolbar on the home screen.Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg is a library of free eBooks.www.gutenberg.org
- Is there a training video fishbowl how this is done?
- Is there a training video, how this is done?
Ric Robinson — Edited
Absolutely, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvLMelzK20k Basically, to add an external app (e.g. Kindle) or an external web site (e.g. Gutenberg.org) to your Logos Toolbar Shortcut, you drag and drop a link from your external PC app (computer address) or URL (hyperlink) from the web site onto your toolbar. You may have to drag it around until you find free area on your toolbar to drop it. If you are successful, you will see the icon of the link on your toolbar. My preference is to include a label with the icon, so right click on the icon to add a label if you prefer a label name on the toolbar.