Digital Logos Edition
This collection includes the eleven sermon volumes from the Works of Saint Augustine. New City Press is proud to offer the best modern translations available of Saint Augustine. Augustine’s writings are useful to anyone interested in patristics, church history, theology, and Western civilization.
In 1990, New City Press, in conjunction with the Augustinian Heritage Institute, began the project known as The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century. The plan is to translate and publish all 132 works of Saint Augustine, his entire corpus, into modern English. This represents the first time in which the works of Saint Augustine will all be translated into English. Many existing translations were often archaic or faulty, and the scholarship was outdated. The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century will be translated into 49 published books. When complete, the complete Works of Saint Augustine will total 132 works in 49 volumes.
The English reads smoothly and clearly. The sermons have helpful subdivisions in the contents as well as the text. Highly recommended.
—Library Journal
In order to grasp properly the originality of a truly extraordinary personality, it is recommended that one read the person’s autobiography or memoirs; it is often in such writings that he or she is best revealed. In the case of Saint Augustine, it is clearly in his Confessions that we find the best key to him. Among his extremely numerous works…his Sermons to the People, which span almost forty years, are most effective in tracing for us the way in which he related to others. Before being a writer, orator, philosopher, and theologian, Augustine was a bishop for his people, undoubtedly the greatest our Church has ever known. And he has not yet finished teaching us.
—Pierre-Patrick Verbraken, O.S.B., from the Forward to Sermons Volume 1
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Augustine of Hippo (354-430) is one of the greatest thinkers and writers of the Western world. After he converted to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo in North Africa, where he was influential in civil and church affairs. His writings have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy and culture.